Raped: My Story last night on Channel 5

If anyone doubts that Catey Sexton’s 90’ documentary Raped: My Story made a massive impact on Channel 5 last night, just look at the support and constructive anger it raised immediately on Twitter. I watched amazed at the courage of the nine women and one man who did not flinch in telling their stories, while they also frankly analysed the why as much as the what of had been done to them. 

I take my hat off to Catey, and to Emma Wakefield and Ollie Tait at Lambent Productions, for taking such an explosive subject and giving insight into rape with no hint of prurience or hyperbole. The film says “this is what rape is, understand what it does to people”. I have no doubt that the film, as well as Channel 5’s following live debate, has given support and comfort to the uncounted thousands of victims of rape, unreported or never concluded, that we know we have all around us - these are the friends and family of every one of us. 

Stern & Wild is very happy to have helped put Catey and Lambent together for this production.

Moray Coulter

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