Stern & Wild client spotlights campaign for disabled airline passengers

Huge congratulations to Stern & Wild filmmaker Jane Mingay, director of the incredible documentary Sophie Morgan’s Fight to Fly which is due to air on Channel 4 tonight at 9:00pm. Over a year in the making, the film follows television presenter and disability advocate Sophie Morgan as she campaigns for stronger protections for disabled passengers when travelling by air. The film sees Sophie send a group of disabled travellers undercover to expose the shocking service they can experience when flying. She also visits the White House and Downing Street, discovers an invention that could let people stay in their wheelchairs while flying, and becomes the first British female paraplegic to experience a zero-gravity flight to show that if you can make aerospace accessible, aviation should be too. The film was produced by Reese Witherspoon‘s production company Hello Sunshine, which is a part of Candle Media.

Moray Coulter