Jasleen Kaur Sethi


agent: Natalie Spanier - natalie@sternwild.com


Jasleen Kaur Sethi is a BAFTA, and multi award winning Director who has delivered films to Netflix, Sundance, Channel 4, BBC and ITV. . 

Her films combine creative and ambitious visuals with intimate, delicate, and revealing storytelling. Her award winning four-part series The Flight Attendant Murders, (Channel 4 UK / Sundance USA ) builds the world of 1970s Texas around sensitively led, intimate interviews that are probing and revelatory. It has been broadcast all over the globe. 

Jasleen’s documentary, Ellie Simmonds: Finding My Secret Family (ITV) – won a BAFTA and was critically acclaimed for its sensitivity and powerful themes.

She has made interview and archive led retrospective films, complex investigative films and observational character driven documentaries. Much of her work involves crafting stunning set piece interviews, always aiming to create a space that is probing and revelatory. She also uses self-shot observational scenes to bring out the depth and complexity of characters in extraordinary situations. 

Before working in documentary, Jasleen worked for Reuters and Al Jazeera as a news correspondent in Africa and South Asia for 6 years, reporting on politics, conflict, natural disasters, climate change, and extraordinary people. She has a Masters in Human Rights and is the author of The Body Commodity: Trafficking Women In Post Conflict Zones, a study on human trafficking in the Balkans published in 2008. 

She has also executive produced a number of series and single films, including Wayne Cousins: Killer In Plain Sight. (channel 5) and is a graduate of the Documentary Directing MA at the National Film and TV School, where she works as a visiting tutor.